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Take a Stab


More than anything else, I feel like I've been battling myself. Anyone else? Think about it really for a moment. What is in our way? Our thoughts. Our feelings. Our own opinions. Our perceptions. Our fears.

Let go, move on, deep breaths, everything needs time.


But it's a bit more complex. It's layered, as we say. Or really as I say. I have no idea who "we" could be. I guess Shrek. But these things ARE usually layered. Can we agree on that?

The truth is that it's scary and it hurts and it is difficult. And sometimes we simply just don't want to do it. And to be honest, doesn't it always feel like we are ALWAYS doing things we don't want to do?

Most folks wake up and get ready for a job they probably don't love. If they love it, that's amazing and one less thing to despise during your day. And for some, maybe we love aspects of our job but don't love other parts. However, we have to work. In our modern society, we must play along with the capitalist machine.

The average citizen has to shop for groceries to just keep themselves alive. This can be a challenge for many people, whether it is a lack of transportation, physical restrictions, or financial restrictions-- these being just some of many.

I think you can see where I'm going here. Daily life is difficult for many of us. And being forced into more uncomfortable circumstances just makes things even more difficult to confront! Sometimes things happen to us, sometimes we let things happen to us, sometimes we do things to ourselves we truly do not understand.

Trudging forward, putting ourselves through hell. Getting in our goddamn way. Once again, it seems to come down to ourselves. What are we doing to allow ourselves to stay in this dreadful space of lacking? We need to cut this shit out.

Today I remembered that we can still let go of things in a soft and conscientious way. Things don't have to burn down. But you will have to burn what's tethered to your heart. Burn what keeps you on the same level as the old.

Disconnecting is the only way that your vibration can continue to rise. It's the only way that what is tethered to you can grow. Both parts are dependent upon the letting go.

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